In a disturbing incident that unfolded in Riverhead, authorities have reported the arrest of a father and his barber after an 11-year-old boy narrowly escaped a potential sexual assault. According to the Riverhead Police, the father and son were regular patrons of Larry's Barber Shop, located on East Main Street.
The unsettling events took place on Monday night when the father, allegedly intoxicated, engaged in an ill-fated encounter with the barber, identified as Hilario Hernandez Dela Cruz. As the night progressed, Dela Cruz purportedly made inappropriate advances toward the young boy, even going as far as offering him money to engage in a sexual act.
Thankfully, the quick-thinking youngster managed to reach out to his mother for help, ensuring his safety and avoiding any harm. The authorities have chosen to withhold the father's identity in order to protect the child's anonymity. However, he, too, has been apprehended and now faces charges for endangering the welfare of a child.
In light of the alarming incident, the barber involved has been taken into custody. Hilario Hernandez Dela Cruz now faces a series of charges, including attempted sexual abuse, criminal solicitation, and child endangerment.
Law enforcement agencies are working diligently to ensure a thorough investigation of the matter. The safety and well-being of children within the community remain of paramount importance to the authorities involved.