THANC: Thyroid, Head & Neck Cancer Foundation raises over $600,000 from golf charity event
THANC, the Thyroid, Head & Neck Cancer Foundation was incorporated in April of 2003. Since then, it has swiftly grown to become the largest private funder of research for these specific areas of cancer in the country. According to their website, “THANC sponsors continuing and professional medical education, community awareness and education, as well as patient outreach and support programs.” Recently, THANC has been housed within the Institute for Head and Neck and Thyroid Cancer at the Phillips Ambulatory Care Center at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City. In order to better understand and try to find a cure for these cancers, continuing research is being done, which allows for discoveries in genomics and molecular biology. The clinical and behavioral work of investigators opens doors for new discoveries. Throughout it’s time so far, THANC has created a new laboratory which allows them to further investigate better strategies to kill cancer cells. Because of the complications that come with these diseases, people are often left in severe discomfort and end up needing assistance to eat, speak, and swallow and sometimes to breathe. THANC is committed to supporting continuing research and education in the early detection and treatment of these cancers, as well as advancing new therapies to alleviate the discomfort often felt by patients undergoing treatment. Bonnie Spodek, whose husband Jason is on the board for THANC, said, “Through the generosity of many, we have made great strides in battling head and neck and thyroid cancer in the past 9 years, raising over $10 million. Once little heard of, the incidence of thyroid, head and neck cancers have dramatically increased. I urge you to log onto” Bonnie and Jason also often are sponsors for THANC events and fundraisers. Not only has THANC made incredible discoveries and breakthroughs, they continue to be a support system for each other, the community and anyone else who puts their time into this amazing foundation. Every year THANC has its annual invitational golf tournament. This past Sunday was THANC’s 9th event, which was held at Glen Oaks Country Club in Old Westbury. These fundraisers hosted by THANC are huge successes each year, this year raising over $600,000 from 175 golfers and an additional 125 dinner guests, who fund the foundation’s mission. This incredible foundation continues to give hope, support and friendship to everyone involved and proves its status as the largest private funder of research and education for head and neck and thyroid cancer.