It is common knowledge that leasing has altered the automobile industry in numerous ways. Initially leasing a new car seems routine enough , one car is just a drop in the bucket but a sequence of events follows that builds to a tidal wave of three year old vehicles resurfacing in the used car marketplace.
As a direct result Pre-Leased vehicles are abundant,and pretty easy on the eye unless you must have an up to the minute body style.Some of the more popular vehicles are; Nissan Maxima , Altima , Pathfinder , Mercury Sable , Mountaineer ,
Ford Explorer , Taurus,Honda Accord , Civic
and Jeep Grand Cherokee to name a few.
Someone else has driven down the price by driving out the largest chunk of the depreciation reducing the cost to a much more affordable level.
These savings can be amplified by leasing as your payments are based on only a portion of the vehicles already reduced value thus
minimizing your payments.
Most dealers have recognized the merits of leasing Pre-Owned vehicles and often stock some of their own off lease items making them available for sale or release.
A few things to keep in mind:
Most warranties expire after 3 years or 36k
you may want to protect your self for the amount of time and miles you intend to drive.
Have your dealer run a check to ensure all and any recalls have been taken care of.
Include in your lease the actual amount of miles you intend to drive anually.More often than not you will be glad you did.
If possible try to have any disposition fee wiaved .They usually cost you between $300 to $400 ,and immediatley gobble up your
you refundable security deposit at lease end.
Last minute safety check ... before you enter into a pre -owned vehicle lease you must price out a lease on same car new.
This is a very important step as the earmark of a good used car lease is a payment that is a lot cheaper than the same car new.
Thanks to all for you feedback .
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or if you find your self in need of immediate assistance call me direct
@ 631 )321 9038