Interestingly, most of our challenges are brought about because of fear. It's safe to say that perhaps all of our challenges are brought about by fear.
Fear carries an energy into the universe that is unstable, wobbly. It is abstract and such thoughts do not know what to attract back to the sender. Fear is not necessarily answered with the challenge that is feared, but it is met with unstable, wobbly circumstances. For example, if you incessantly fear that your car will break down, you may not cause the car to malfunction, but you allow for the energy to create instability elsewhere. Perhaps your washing machine will break down, perhaps you will fall and bruise your knee. The unstable energy that is attracted in response to fear will create instability.
Think about the last few things you worried about. Did any of them occur exactly as you imagined them? Probably not. But can you see a trend that during your most worrisome times, things just seem to go wrong? Probably, yes.
The pattern of putting FEAR into the universe and, in return, experiencing instability reinforces the deepest level of believe that FEAR is valid. Maybe you didn't have to worry about the car breaking down, but things do go wrong - as the bruised knee indicates. Prolonged worrying affects the energy more completely than a fleeting thought.
So what do you do to eliminate your fears?
This exercise takes a few moments and here's where you really have to want to conquer your thoughts. When you feel a fearful thought, take a moment to write down the thought and answer it yourself with probability of outcome and a positive view. For example, you are afraid the roof will leak during the driving rain. Perhaps it will but the thought is only "fear" if you did not notice any signs that leaking was imminent. Is the roof shoddy? Does it desperately need replacing? Has it leaked in the past? If the answer is "yes" then you are not experiencing fear - you are acknowledging a viable outcome based on circumstances and worrying about the expense which perhaps you already know you face.
Now, suppose that there were no "leaking" warning signs. What is the probability that the roof will leak? Probably none. Instead of putting fear out there, write down what you enjoy about the rain. You are warm and safe. You are dry. The rain is nourishing the earth. The rain sounds beautiful and you are protected by your home from its intense wetness.
You are driving in the rain. You are afraid of having an accident. What percentage of times have you had an accident while driving in the rain ? What is the likelihood of it happening now? When you arrive safely at home, record your thoughts. Writing down your fears removes them from your deepest database. Writing down the real or probable happy outcome completes the process of reminding your deepest self that your fears are imaginary and unfounded. If you can acknowledge your abstract fears regularly, you will quickly sense them lessening, and therefore, you will quickly notice relief from annoying little chaotic events.
Afraid of being broke? How many times has this repetitive fear been met by an actual inability to pay your bills? Write it down. Remember times when you were fearful and try to recall the outcome. Just as an extreme diet can cause your body to adopt a "starvation mode" voiding the ease of weight loss, so too can unwarranted fear about a shortage of funds create a "starvation mode" where you have enough, but not more. Record your fears. Write down what is really likely to happen and then focus on the probability that you will be fine, better than fine.
As you become proficient at recognizing your fears and their unfounded beginnings, you will suddenly or gradually become less dependent on them. You will break the pattern of being fearful first and begin to be content with the present circumstances as they truly exist.