We have hit the halfway point of 2014, and now is the perfect time to reflect on your New Year’s Resolution from the onset of the year. Refresh your memory of your resolution, whether it was to get healthy, to spend more time with family, or to save more money this year, and reboot that resolution to carry it through until the end of the year. This might not mean hitting your target, but reevaluating your goals to something that is manageable but still forces you to make a change for the better. Consider your resolutions from January and take a look at these tips for evaluating where you are and taking little steps to make sure you stay on track for the rest of the year.
Health and Fitness
Have you reached your optimal weight? Is your gym attendance still what you wanted it to be? Have you kept up on those healthy habits you started? Now is the time not to give up, but to solidly commit to hitting the gym and eating better, especially now that healthy fruits and vegetables are in abundance at local farmers markets. If you have more time this summer, sign up for fitness classes, such as yoga. Even if you don’t want to pay for a gym membership, lace up and go for a walk or hike. You’ll both feel better and look better – what isn’t to love?
Don’t let your checkbook go awry in the summer with vacations, trips, and parties. Think back to your resolution, whether it be to balance your checkbook regularly, to pay off your student loans, or to save more than you spend. Make sure you outline a clear goal so that you know exactly how much money you have, and what you need to pay off or save up, especially for an emergency fund. It would also be a good idea to find out your credit score by using a free credit site like CreditKarma.
Did you take all of the classes that you wanted to take, or started to pursue the degree or certification that you need to take you to the next level? There are plenty of options for colleges and universities around Long Island, as well as courses for further education. Most school districts offer options for adult education, with courses ranging from knitting to line dancing to watercolor painting. It is a great opportunity to dabble in different fields for a low price, and to also meet new people in your area. You can also find classes at art studios or other specialty facilities and schools. If you think you are still too busy for further education, explore the wide range of online courses offered by local colleges or colleges across the country.
Many people make the seemingly simple resolution to spend more time with family and friends, but sticking to this resolution can sometimes be tricky. Make a schedule and plan to spend one night a week with parents or kids who have grown up and moved out. Though Facebook and texting can keep you linked with your friends, a phone call is still more intimate, so pick up the phone to catch up every now and then, or meet up at your local coffee shop for a quick catch up on the latest news.