MEDIA AVAILABILITY 7/28 Daniel J. Hansen Available to Comment on 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund

Daniel J. Hansen Available to Comment on 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund at Special Master's Town Hall Meeting in New Jersey Says Recent Decision to Exclude Cancer from List of Diseases Covered Under Fund Is More ...

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Daniel J. Hansen, Partner, Turley, Hansen & Partners, is available to speak about the appearance of Sheila Birnbaum, Special Master, 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund (VCF), who will host a town hall meeting about the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. Mr. Hansen will be joined by one of his clients at the meeting.

Ms. Birnbaum will discuss the VCF, what it entails and who is eligible. She will also take questions from those in attendance. As Special Master, she heads the VCF program. She recently gained recognition when she helped work to meditate a settlement of $500 million for 92 families of victims of the September 11th attacks at the World Trade Center.

With today's decision by Dr. John Howard of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health not to include cancer on the list of diseases for the Victim Compensation Fund, Mr. Hansen urges those who believe they are eligible for the funds to attend the meeting and speak out against Dr. Howard's decision. Dr. Howard, who oversees the fund program, said he did not find enough evidence to place cancer on a list of diseases covered by the fund.

"Given the decision today by Dr. Howard that cancers will not be covered by the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, this upcoming town hall meeting in New Jersey is especially important for the 9/11 survivors who wish to be heard," Mr. Hansen said. "We urge the victims to request that Ms. Birnbaum not exclude cancers from the Victim Compensation Fund until after reports are released for the cancer studies conducted by Mount Sinai, the New York City Fire Department, the World Trade Center Health Registry, and the New York State Health Department."

DATE: July 28, 2011
6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

PLACE: City Hall - Council Chambers
280 Grove Street, Jersey City, NJ