
The ABC's of Stress Reduction

Written by yoga-meditation  |  30. July 2004

Are you stressed out? Well, you are not alone. Every third American is prone to hypertension. Fortunately, there are many ways to control the negative effects of stress. It's as simple as learning the ABC's of stress reduction. A. Awareness. You must become aware of what is causing you stress. This involves an honest examination of your self and serious thought about external factors. Adapt. You must change your reaction to the stressor. You must accept the circumstances that can't be changed and change your reaction to those circumstances. Abhyanya oil massage - This oil massage provides the body with a calm and overall sense of well being. Warm, organic sesame oil from your local health food store can be enjoyed with a morning daily massage starting from head to toes. Ayurvedic Lifestyle. Ayurveda is the system of health described in the ancient scriptures of India. Drs. Krumuda and Janardhan Reddy, frequent speakers at Inner Light Yoga, advise that food should be medicine for the body and must include these six flavors, taken in moderation and in the right proportions: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, astringent and pungent. B. Balance. "To everything there is a season," and it's the wise person that makes a conscious effort to attend to all aspects of his emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual life. Breathing. The spirit has been symbolized by breath in many cultures and for good reason. We cannot live without it, and we live better when we become more mindful of our breathing. Deep breathing exercises and yogic practices like Pranayama help to control our inhalations and exhalations and quiet us down. If we stay connected with our inner world, we can connect to our outer world on a more powerful and purposeful level. C. Coping Mechanisms. To sharpen coping skills, we must give ourselves plenty of rest and relaxation. Sleep is important! It's necessary to get the appropriate rest in order to remain focused and alert. Another way to quiet the mind, and erase all thoughts, is to meditate. The ability to go into ourselves and escape stress will help us rejuvenate and energize. Meditation brings about balance. Change. To be interesting, you have to be interested. The best way to do this is to evaluate your routine and habits and your interests. At a particular time of year - your birthday, New Year's Eve, etc. - decide how you will implement some variety in your life. D. Diet. It's true -- you are what you eat. So don't fill your plate with junk food. Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Think fresh, think organic. Drink plenty of water - at least 8 glasses per day. Your body is your temple, and you must treat it with respect. Good food fuels a sound body and mind. E. Exercise. Adding exercise to your life will help give you stamina and that extra get-up-and-go. Yoga is one of the best exercises to keep your stress level down, as it unites the body, mind and spirit. By including these strategies in your life, you will be able to control your stress and not allow your stress to control you. Namaste!

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