Getting Started

So you received a nice new camera as a holiday gift, maybe a birthday present or maybe you went out and treated yourself to a new camera. Immeadiately after unpacking your camera (without paying any ...

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So you received a nice new camera as a holiday gift, maybe a birthday present or maybe you went out and treated yourself to a new camera. Immeadiately after unpacking your camera (without paying any attention to the instruction booklet) you jump right in and start snapping away; the kids, the pets, the flowers in the garden or maybe your last family trip to Disney world. As you shoot more and more rolls of film over the next few months or even years you begin to realize how much fun this can be, people begin to compliment you on your photographs. With time you begin to see your progress as a photographer.
Then you realize you would like to make this a hobby. You decide to invest some money in a new lens, maybe a tripod and a nice camera bag, you are now hooked.
You ask yourself where can I learn more? Well, your in luck. There's a good chance that there is a camera club in your town or in a nearby town. Camera Club's offer you the chance to interact with individuals who feel the same way about photography that you do. Club's offer guest speakers, programs and competitions that are all designed to teach and expand your knowledge and understanding of photography principals.
On Long Island we are lucky to have no fewer that 15 camera clubs. As President of one of the largest, Huntington CC, I can tell you there is no better way to begin your hobby than joining your local camera club. Please, remember to get invovled, the best camera clubs are the ones where members are invovled in club management.
If you would like more information on the Huntington Camera Club or where the nearest club is please email at the address below. You can also use this address to ask any photography related questions.
That's all for now, check back often for information on new photo topics.