Identify Job Candidates Who Can Deliver Superior Performance BEFORE Candidates are Hired

How many times has a company hired a job candidate who looks great on paper and aces the interview, only to see the new hire fail on the job? Why do people with terrific credentials ...

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How many times has a company hired a job candidate who looks great on paper and aces the interview, only to see the new hire fail on the job? Why do people with terrific credentials display lackluster performance or fail in new positions?

So often, hiring decisions are based on IQ and technical expertise, with little regard for the emotional intelligence (such as leadership, social skills, and goal orientation) required for success in a position.

Critical research reported in Daniel Goleman's bestseller, "Working with Emotional Intelligence", indicates that "the importance of emotional intelligence increases, the higher one goes in an organization" and "for star performance...... emotional competence is twice as important as purely cognitive abilities."

To increase the potential for hiring star performers, companies are increasingly incorporating soft skill assessment tools within their recruitment and selection practices. And thanks to the Internet, there are easy-to-use, web-based tools that provide amazingly accurate assessments in record turnaround time.

What does this mean for a company? These powerful tools do not replace the interview process; they enhance an organization's ability to identify "job winners" before job offers are extended.

By leveraging assessments within the hiring process, companies can easily raise the success rate of new hires, resulting in reduced turnover costs, greater retention and job satisfaction for employees placed in good job fits.