
What Every Veteran Needs To Know: Housing - Part 5 of a Series

Written by veterans  |  18. August 2007

In the first of this ongoing series we introduce some specific answers to general questions often asked and just as often misunderstood. In Part Two we jumped into one of the "meatiest" of topics, VA Health Care. In Part Three we pulled back a little bit and looked at the overall "other" Federal VA Benefits picture. In part Four we dived back into the "details" as we looked at Counseling & Support. This week, we'll stay with "the details" as we look at Housing. Housing VA Home Loan Guaranty Service Veterans can apply for a VA loan with any mortgage lender that participates in VA home loan program. VA guaranteed loans are offered by private lenders, like banks, savings & loans, or mortgage companies to eligible veterans for the purchase of a home for their own personal occupancy. Veterans are exempted from a down payment. Telephone: (888) 244-6711 Website: http://www.homeloans.va.gov HUD Veteran Resource Center (HUDVET) HUDVET provides housing for homeless, disabled and low-to-moderate income veterans, and general homeownership assistance. Telephone: (800) 998-9999 Website: http://www.hud.gov/hudvet National Coalition of Homeless Veterans Provides help for homeless veterans nationwide. Telephone: (800) 838-4357 Website: http://www.nchv.org VA Homeless Veterans Program VA offers a wide array of special programs and initiatives specifically designed to help homeless veterans live as self-sufficiently and independently as possible. Website: http://www.va.gov/homeless VA Homeless Veteran Services Every VA Medical Center has a Homeless Veterans Services Coordinator who is responsible for helping homeless or at-risk veterans. Locate a VA Facility Website: http://www.va.gov/directory Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Programs by State Website: http://www.va.gov/homeless/docs/HCHV_Programs_ByState.pdf VA Regional Offices Every VA Regional Office also has a Homeless Veterans Services Coordinator who can be reached through the VA's toll free number: Telephone: (800) 827-1000 VISN 3 Homeless Veterans Treatment Programs Telephone: (888) 725-3000 Website: http://www.va.gov/visns/visn03/homeless.asp This Week's Not Commented on Topic ARMY SUICIDES HIGHEST IN 26 YEARS -- and more than a quarter did so while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan according to a report obtained by The Associated Press. This report found there were 99 confirmed suicides among active duty soldiers during 2006, up from 88 the previous year. "In addition, there was a significant relationship between suicide attempts and number of days deployed... in Iraq, Afghanistan or nearby countries where troops are participating in the war effort." In a service of more than a half million troop, the 99 suicides amounted to a rate of 17.3 per 100,000 -- the highest in the past 26 years. The average rate over those years has been 12.3 per 100,000. In addition to the 99 confirmed suicides last year, there are two other deaths suspected as suicides in which investigations were pending. --- Regards, Walt Schmidt

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