End of Summer Article
Hello all. Well it is the end of August-beginning of fall and the weather is perfect thus far. I realize that school is right around the corner, but that doesn't mean that your lacrosse sticks should be hung up for the winter. My initial article was to educate a non-lacrosse person about the sport. Or maybe refresh the memory of a former player. Please go to the archives if you would like to read it. Now, I will explain how the off-season works.
During the fall and winter, many athletes perform other sports. Even so, it is the best time for a lacrosse player to solidify his or her passing and shooting skills. When I was growing up, I would go to a local school and have a catch against a brick or concrete wall. I would start out with my dominate hand and then switch to my off-hand. As I got warmed up, I would go back and forth, from my left hand to my right hand, and get closer to the wall for quicker passes. Afterward, I would go to a field with a lacrosse cage and shoot for an hour or so.
At night, after I completed my homework, I would try to watch video tapes of college and club (after college) games to see what moves players were attempting. I would then visualize these moves and try them the next time I was on the field. Lacrosse has always been a great outlet for me. If I ever had something on my mind, I would go play. This made the sport much more enjoyable. I never thought of it as work. The most important aspect for me was to get a good education. As it turned out, playing lacrosse helped me accomplish that dream and even aided in paying for it.
With the camp season over, it is the perfect time for private instruction. This will give you the undivided attention that will elevate your game. Whether it be with a neighbor or myself, please don't put the sticks away for the fall and winter. Take advantage of this free time to make you a better player. Thank you for your time and please email me at info@learnlax.com if you have any questions at all.