Artists, musicians, actors, writers, and dancers,....
The East End Arts School announces the full list of workshop and course offerings for the Fall 2011 Semester. Artists, musicians, actors, writers, and dancers of all levels should not miss this exciting line-up of workshops and courses. The East End Arts School offers everything from classic favorites to innovative professional development workshops, as well as a variety of opportunities in between. Subjects include: art for children; art for teens; art for adults; private and group music instruction for all ages; programs for home-schooled children; painting; drawing; mixed media; printmaking; fashion; sculpture; professional development; music; theater; dance; writing. Workshops will be held at two locations: East End Arts School, 141 East Main Street, Riverhead NY; and Brecknock Hall, One Brecknock Road, Greenport NY. A full listing of courses can be found at:
The newest additions to this semester are Members' Studio Clubs, which provide access to artistic development opportunities in a community of like-minded artists. Clubs are currently offered in the following disciplines: Life Drawing, Photography, Sculpture, African Drumming. These 10-week sessions begin the week of October 4, and are available to East End Arts members only.
For more information, contact the East End Arts School at 631-369-2171 or
East End Arts Council, established in 1972, is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Proceeds of all events, sales, classes, donations and memberships benefit our mission of bringing the arts to everyone and inspiring our communities through service, advocacy and education.