Stamping Out Crime: Lindenhurst Woman Arrested for $19,278 Postal Scheme

Lindenhurst woman arrested for defrauding the United States Postal Service of $19,278 by purchasing thousands of postage stamps with insufficient checks in Nassau County.

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Major Case Bureau reports the arrest of a Lindenhurst woman for Grand Larceny on August 31, 2023 in Nassau County.
According to detectives, a joint investigation was conducted by the Nassau County Police Fraud and Forgery Unit and the United States Post Office Investigations Unit that led to the arrest of Defendant Stephany A. Moreira, 27, of 25 N Delaware Avenue.
The investigation revealed that Defendant Moreira was involved in purchasing approximately 36,600 US Postage Stamps using 21 insufficient checks from June 6, 2023 to June 8, 2023, throughout Nassau County. As a result, the United States Postal Service suffered a loss in the amount of $19,278.
Defendant Stephany A. Moreira is charged with Grand Larceny 3rd Degree, Scheme to Defraud 1 st Degree, six (6) counts of Issuing a Bad Check and one (1) count of Attempted Issuing a Bad Check. She will be arraigned on September 1, 2023 at First District Court, Hempstead.


  • Photo by: Stephany Moreira