Moms Everywhere Celebrate As Kids Finally Head Back to School
Parents are partying like it's summer's second coming - kids are finally headed back to school! Mothers everywhere seem to be celebrating their joy - some are even dancing in the streets. Everyone knows school is session when you see yellow school buses turning down the block to pick up students for their return to academia.
One excited mother from Massachusetts, Tracy Moutafis, seems to be particularly thrilled that her two sons are heading off to school. The mom expresses her incredible enthusiasm as she dances in the street with a smile on her face as the bus drives away as the NSYNC song Bye, Bye, Bye, blasts in the background. (See the can’t-miss viral video below).
During the summer, kids were around the house all day long, and parents had to keep them entertained and out of trouble until school started back up. Parents were also stuck with their “little headaches” longer than usual this year, and their schedules were met with a special twist. This summer was particularly long due to Labor Day Weekend coinciding with an earlier-than-usual Rosh Hashanah. This allowed kids to have an extra week of summer - something children were thrilled about, but parents...not so much.
Mothers dedicate 24 hours of each day in the week to their children - cooking, cleaning, keeping them entertained, tucking them into bed...and the list goes on. It can sure take a toll keeping up with the whole brood day in and day out! With an empty nest for a couple of hours each day now that school’s back in session, parents can relax a little and make some time for themselves. Oh, the beauty of freedom.
Fun ways for mothers to spend their newly re-found free time:
The stress of getting ready for your kids to go back to school can sure get to you and become overwhelming. Here are some things to do to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet before the ruckus returns.
- Treat yourself! Go the spa for a relaxing massage or to the nail salon and get your nails done!
- Peacefully grocery shop
- Have a cup of coffee with your best friend
- Lay on the couch and read a magazine
- Read a book
- Go all out for a girls days out with mimosas & margaritas in hand!
Have a great idea for relaxing while the kids are out? Share it below in the comments!
Want to share your back to school photos with us?
Email them to,
and we’ll add them to our upcoming Back to School Gallery!
[Sources: Huffington Post, YouTube]