Weather Alert  

PATCHY DENSE FOG OVERNIGHT The combination of light winds and residual moisture will allow for patchy fog, some of which could be locally dense. Improvement will be slow from west to east overnight with the passage of a weak cold front. Motorists should use low beam headlights and remain alert for rapidly changing visibilities. Allow extra time to reach your destination.

Harvest Gospel Concert Series

The East End Arts Council is pleased to announce an open call for singers, to participate in the Harvest Gospel Concert Series, celebrating 25 years this fall.

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The East End Arts Council is pleased to announce an open call for singers, to participate in the Harvest Gospel Concert Series, celebrating 25 years this fall. Singers are invited to join Artistic Director Maryanne McElroy, in her 25th year tenure with the concert series, in this non-denominational celebration, connecting many community members, together sharing the joy of music from the soul! Singers must be available for all rehearsals and performances. Rehearsals will be held at the Friendship Baptist Church, 59 Anchor Street, Flanders, NY on following Saturdays from 6 PM to 9 PM: October 22, October 29, November 5, and November 12. Singers register at the first rehearsal. Performance dates are Thursday, November 17; Friday, November 18; and Saturday, November 19, all at 8PM, at locations on the North and South Fork, (locations to be confirmed.) For more information, please contact Jean Caiola, East End Arts Council Events and Volunteer Coordinator: 631-727-0900 x302 or To further celebrate the 25 years of Harvest Gospel Concerts, the East End Arts Council will be hosting an event in downtown Riverhead on Saturday, September 24 called Rejoice & Shout: a soul food dinner party at the Dark Horse Restaurant (1 East Main Street, Riverhead) followed by a special film screening of the newly released and highly inspirational gospel music film documentary entitled Rejoice & Shout at the Vail-Leavitt Music Hall (18 Peconic Avenue, Riverhead.) For more information about this event, visit East End Arts Council, established in 1972, is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Proceeds of all events, sales, classes, donations, and memberships benefit our mission of bringing the arts to everyone and inspiring our communities through service, advocacy and education.