Cool mornings, Montauk daisies are budding, mums are making their debut and the school supply aisles have been replaced by Halloween costumes and decorations. Homeowners should be planning to prepare their home for fall. It’s early, but you’ll find it easier to do repairs and cleaning over the next few weekends while the weather is still warm. Taking the time now to prepare your home for the cold weather ensures comfort in the months ahead and saves you money as well.
- Pack away the pool noodles, deflate the floats and close your pool.
- Make your appointment to have your sprinklers blown-out.
- Get your landscaping Fall clean-up.
- Clean out your gutters.
- Have your chimney swept.
- Visit a nursery to decorate your porch with seasonal plants.
- Give your home a make-over by a professional.
- Schedule your heating system's annual maintenance.
- Prepare your plumbing by winterizing your pipes.
- Powerwash the exterior of your home.
Let us know how you make your home awesome for autumn on Long Fourm.