Going back to school can be a stressful time for any child, parent, and teacher. Therapy Center for Children, LLC is offering parents tips to help make their child's return back to school - and the rest of the school year - more enjoyable and fun.
Being Positive is the Key - Positive thinking and a positive attitude will greatly help parents and their children get through the school year. Parents, remember to keep the important things you do for yourself in your routines. This helps us adults to stay organized and stay positive. Planning outfits and lunches for the week can also help with organization and may create more time each morning. Continue to prepare you children by telling them what they can expect each day and reward there small successes.
It's All About Clothing - Dressing children in comfortable, non-restrictive clothing may make the day easier for most children. Layering clothing items the first few weeks of school is typically the way to go in this geographical area. If their child is comfortable and confident, that will transfer to other aspects of their school day.
Stay Calm throughout the After-School Madness - After-school therapy/activities are often supportive and may help children function happily and successfully in the classroom - or can add stress and frustration if it's not the "just right challenge." The start of school is a good time for parents to check and make sure all that driving around they do is really getting their child somewhere.
Only Worry if Necessary - When a parent has a child with special needs that impact education, worrying about school may be unavoidable. This is not the most effective way for parents to tackle problems, and it may make the child feel stressed out and worried to see their parents stress and worry. Parents should worry if it is serious and should not fret over the "small stuff."
Reading is Important - Whether it's a book for school or a book on their own, parents should get their children into the habit of reading every night. For extra motivation, parents can offer their children prizes if they can read by themselves.
Know What You're Talking About - When parents advocate for their children's rights, particularly against people who may throw out lots of fancy terms to intimidate them, it's important for parents to have a good command of the "fancy terms" as well by studying up on those IEP acronyms and terms. A list of terms and acronyms is available on therapycenterforchildren.com.
Address Downtime Problems - Children may be doing fine in school with their teacher or aides, but there are parts of the day that are less structured (recess, lunch, gym, the bus). Parents may want to mindful of those times and also see how their child is doing during those parts of their day as well.
Meet the Teacher...Often - The teacher will be spending five days a week for six hours a day with your child. Sometimes children may act differently at home than they do in the classroom. Teachers are particularly important when there's a specific problem, but meetings with the child's teacher are always useful in keeping up with their progress and addressing any problems before they start.
Be Organized! - Keeping a notebook of any contact made with teachers, administrators and aides can be very helpful, not only as a reference guide of progress, but also to get things done. It is much easier to remember specific dates and conversations if it is written down rather than attempting to recall them from memory.
Sitting Still Can Be Hard - "Sit still" is a demand placed onto us but often not easy to comply with. If the teacher regularly complains to the parents about their child's lack of sitting still, both the parents and the teacher should work on some ideas to implement on managing movement and increasing comfort.
Check Your Child's Backpack - Besides being too heavy to lift (which can increase the potential for serious back concerns), backpacks can hide many important things parents need to know about, such as a letter from the teacher, another child's toy or homework that is due tomorrow. Parents should check their child's backpack daily for anything they may have missed and to make sure it is not too heavy.
Make Mornings More Efficient - Having a morning routine is important for all children, especially children that need routine to function. Parents should make sure their children wake up at the same time everyday and give them plenty of time to get ready, especially if they are slow to rise in the morning. Their children's clothes should be laid out the night before and lunch should be ready. Parents should offer their child a sensible breakfast and let them go over their day ahead with their parents. This is how many adults and children are the same: we all tend to work better when this routine is implemented.
Get the Lay of the Land - Having a good working knowledge of the administration, faculty and staff and layout of that building will help your ability to be an effective advocate.
Keep a School Year Calendar - Just like a notebook is important, having important dates and events on a school calendar is very important for organization.
"We urge all parents to keep these important tips in mind to help themselves and their child's school year go by smoothly," said Kim Foschi, MSED, Ongoing Service Coordinator and Assistant Director, Therapy Center for Children, LLC. "Navigating through the numerous obstacles that appear as the school year progresses can be difficult. But if parents follow these simple strategies, their child will have a successful and enjoyable school year."
For more information, call (631) 207-1053 or visit therapycenterforchildren.com.
About The Therapy Center for Children
The Therapy Center for Children, LLC provides early intervention home-based services and preschool services. It is composed of pediatric occupational therapists, physical therapists, psychologists, speech therapists and special educators located in Suffolk County, New York. All of The Therapy Center for Children's therapists are licensed and certified. The company is NYS Department of Health approved to provide preschool services and early intervention services in Suffolk County, New York. Funding for preschool services and early intervention services is through Suffolk County and the NYS Department of Health. These services are of no out-of-pocket cost to families of eligible children. The Therapy Center for Children also provides private pay sessions. For more information, call (631) 207-1053 or visit therapycenterforchildren.com.