Over the past few months, I've received emails from a number of Long Islanders looking for a diversity training program similar to the one I offer--which by the way, is fun, informative and contains a tangible skills-building component.
And since it doesn't take much to set me in motion, the emails prompted me to reach out to several universities in Long Island. I did not find an ongoing program for which individuals, independent of their companies, could register. But even better, a local university offered to partner with me to offer my program.
And so, I am happy to extend an invitation to you to participate in my workshop "Understanding Cultural Diversity." You can more information about workshop on
my website.
As a brief summary, this program covers the following topics:
*What is culture?
*Navigating our own culture--identifying the messages we received growing up, about gender, ethnicity, class, where we live, etc.
*Effective communication skills
*Understanding others and finding common ground
*The role of humor in resolving conflict and tension
As a participant, you will learn:
*More about yourself and your particular worldview
*The truth about "difference"
*How we are all more alike, than different
*How to communicate better with others who may see things differently
*What gets in the way of cross-racial, cross-gender and cross-cultural difference in general
Inquire within your company about reimbursement and make this workshop part of your development plan.
You can also e-mail me with any questions, or for further information.
My best,