On Sunday October 17, 2004, the Eyes of Learning, Inc. will be presenting an all day conference entitled "Ancient Mysticism" featuring author and international speaker, Dolores Cannon along with three other experts in topics related to the beliefs and practices of ancient mystics. It will be held from 10:00 AM until 7:00 PM at Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Parkway in Hicksville, NY. "We are very excited to be bringing Dolores Cannon and the rest of these remarkable speakers together for this conference" said Elaine Resnik, one of the founding members of the organization. "This is the first time a conference on this subject has been held on Long Island, possibly the entire New York area".
Author of over 12 books including the three book series "Conversations with Nostradamus", Ms Cannon will deliver the keynote address discussing how Nostradamus' prophesies are being fulfilled in our time and what we can expect to be witnessing as the new millennium continues to unfold. The source for Ms. Cannon's remarkable interpretations of the quatrains of Nostradamus is even more fascinating - the prophet himself!
Speaker Ms. Christine Keller, holds a Masters Degree in religious studies with a concentration in Eastern and Western Mysticism. Ms. Keller will discuss how ancient mystics were able to accomplish the extraordinary in her lecture "Love and the Mystical Ideal". She will also show us how today's common practices of yoga and meditation link us to the spiritual practices of the ancient mystics. This lecture will also help to better understand how and why renowned sages and poets throughout time have often placed themselves on the bleeding edge of society to express their convictions.
As a member of the Great Dakota Sioux Nation, Master J. Teasley will tell why the Lakota Sioux refer to themselves as "star people" in his lecture. He will also demonstrate how the Sioux people communicate with their distant ancesters through drumming and song. Master Teasely will also discuss how the Sioux's spirituality is at the heart of their healing and an inseparable part of their culture.
The age old discipline of Astrology has served to guide mankind since the time of the ancients and still has relevance today according to Montgomery Taylor, International Astrologer. In his lecture "Astrological Insights for the Next Millennium" Mr. Taylor will be helping listeners to understand how this ancient practice was derived, its symbology and how it can still serve as a blueprint for self-enlightenment.
Registration on the day of the conference runs from 9:00 AM until 10:00 AM. Conference attendees may opt to pay individually for lectures or save when registering for the all day program at $75 for the general public and $60 for Eyes of Learning members. A small annual membership fee of $15 paid at the door at the time of registration will allow attendees to benefit from the reduced member pricing and entitle them to discounts at regularly scheduled lectures throughout the upcoming year.
The Eyes of learning is the oldest the most highly respected non-profit metaphysical, holistic and spiritual teaching and learning center on Long Island. Founded in 1983, it is a volunteer run organization based out of Hicksville,N.Y. and dedicated to providing members, and the public at large, a broad-based exposure to a variety of philosophies. The Eyes of Learning offers quality instruction in a diverse base of subjects being very careful not to endorse any one belief over another. For more information about meetings, membership or to receive schedule of current lectures call the EOL hotline number at (516) 731-0909 or go to wwww.eyesoflearning.org. Visitors can also subscribe to a distribution list for the events event calendar as well.