By now most of us know that eating meat is bad for you in many ways. It not only has been directly linked to causing cancer and a whole host of other physical ailments including heart disease and high blood pressure, but it is also destructive to your spiritual self.
Human beings are not physiologically designed to the consume dead animals and this is why we are so prone to cancer and other degenerative diseases. Animals are forced to ingest so many chemicals and they are exposed to so many toxins which include penicillin, tetracycline, sewage-sludge pellets decontaminated with caesium-137, radioactive nuclear waste, fattening agents and a list of other chemicals and antibiotics to make the animal ready for sale. Also, after the murder of the terrified creature, the meat is chemically treated when it is routinely dipped in sodium sulphite (to decrease the stench of decay and make it red in color rather than the sickly grey color of decaying animal flesh) is thought to be carcinogenic. Even cement dust is included in farm animal’s feed! If people really knew how that hamburger got onto their plate, they would run for the nearest juice bar!
If these aren't enough reasons for you, there are plenty more. Many spiritual leaders promote a vegetarian diet in order to meditate effectively as well. It is often said that being vegetarian purifies the mind, body and soul. Eating meat causes us to ingest feelings of anger, fear, anxiety, sadness and aggression. It makes the mind very unsettled and agitated. This is because when an animal is killed, it releases adrenaline into its body because it is scared. When you eat the body of this animal, you ingest this adrenaline which is actually the animals' fear. There is absolutely no way that this can be good for you physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Your animal instincts become stronger and more powerful each time you consume meat. Food is supposed to nourish our bodies and sustain our energy. If you are not eating anything living, then you’re dying!
Meditation allows us to tap into our own source of Divine power and move away from our animal nature into a more balanced, healthy and compassionate human nature. Eating meat inhibits this. A meditation practice cultivates good health, peace, and balance. To sit in meditation and call upon Divine, beneficent, healing powers while there is dead, negative energy inside you is totally counter-productive. Eating meat is not conducive to growth in any area of life. Clean your body, clean your mind, clean your soul.
Practice compassion for your mind, body, soul and all living beings. Go veg!