No Carve Necessary Pumpkin Decorating for Fall

Forget the mess and opt for a safer, easier way to decorate pumpkins this Fall.

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Carving up Jack-O-Lanterns is a big to-do during the Fall season. Hordes of people flock to the pumpkin patches around Long Island this time of year looking for that perfect pumpkin to bring home. This year though, instead of carving up your freshly picked pumpkin, consider decorating it, with no carving necessary!

The pros of decorating your pumpkin without carving it are plenty. You’ll be much safer not using a knife and sharp tools to gut and carve the pumpkin, also making it a much more kid-friendly activity. There will be much less clean up and your pumpkin will last longer too!

Head out to your local craft store for supplies and start decorating!

Puffy Paint Pumpkin
Puffy paint is great because it gives a three dimensional look to your pumpkin. Come up with a cool design and draw it onto your pumpkin with the puffy paint. Let dry then go over that design with even more detail, or simply place it where you will for all to marvel at.

Glitter Pumpkin
Grab a large paper plate and place some newspaper underneath it. Then use spray glue to cover your pumpkin in adhesive. Hold the pumpkin by the stem as you cover it in glitter, rolling it around in it to make sure as much of the area that you want covered in glitter is so. Let dry then place your glitzy, glamorous pumpkin where you like!

Push Pin Pumpkin
This technique is better for older kids, teens, and adults who don’t wish to deal with a mess or the hassle of carving up a pumpkin. First off, all you need is a package or two of metal, flat headed push pins. Use a permanent marker to design and mark the places where you want to put your pins then push them in!

Painted Pumpkin
This is probably the simplest seeming pumpkin decoration of the bunch but it is also the most opened ended! Let your pumpkin be your canvas and paint whatever your heart desires on your pumpkin. You can make use of stencils and other crafty tools to make it look just the way you want it.

Bling Pumpkin
Your pumpkin will be the talk of the town using this blinged-out technique! All you need is some glue and some rhinestones to stick to your pumpkin. One of the best ways to do this is to make use of those crevices and indents in your pumpkin - they make handy places to put rhinestones. Still want to add more? Try gluing on other shiny Halloween accents to your pumpkin!

Have any pumpkin decorating tips or techniques of your own to share? Comment and let us know!

Photo by Nicholas Bumgardner via Free Images