Navigating Your Healthcare Series Returns

Natural & Alternative Medicine October 13 panel includes representative from The Smithsonian Institute

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October 3, 2011
CONTACT: Marie Gilberti, WMHO
(631) 751-2244

Dr. Alain Touwaide of The Smithsonian included on October 13 Panel

Stony Brook, NY - This fall, the Ward Melville Heritage Organization continues its informative and timely series, Navigating Your Healthcare, with the best and brightest in the medical field offering insight and answers to your questions in a range of topics from DNA to robotic surgery.

"Natural and Alternative Medicine," will take place October 13 at 6:30 pm. The extraordinary panel features:
Dr. Alain Touwaide of The Smithsonian Institute who will talk about the amazing secrets discovered after extracting DNA from tablets and medicines found aboard a 2,000 year old Roman shipwreck.
Dr. Raymond Teets of Beth Israel Hospital and Director of a successful program, funded by fashion designer Donna Karen, on integrating Eastern healing techniques with Western medicine.
Jigna Bhalla, PharmD and Stony Brook University Medical Center's Suzette Smookler, M.S., R.D., address drugs and nutrition in past, present and future.

The panel will be moderated by David Dunaief, M.D. of Lifestyle Medicine.

Forums take place at WMHO's Educational & Cultural Center in the Stony Brook Village Center. Cost is $25 per person and includes a buffet dinner by Three Village Inn. For reservations or additional information call 631-751-2244 or visit

The remaining session will be "Cancer" - October 27