
Old Westbury School of Business Offers 'Grow Your Business with Social Media'

Written by Michael Kinane  |  04. October 2011

The SUNY College at Old Westbury School of Business will present a special program titled Grow Your Business With Social Media, on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at the Duane L. Jones Recital Hall in the College's Campus Center. The program is being offered as part of the School of Business' Business Executive Partnership program. Registration and a networking reception will take place from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Four presentations and a Q and A panel discussion, moderated by School of Business Dean N.J. Delener, will follow from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. "By successfully promoting and generating business via social media and the Internet, business owners and entrepreneurs can remove geographic barriers and introduce themselves to an immense audience," said School of Business Dean N.J. Delener. "Through this program, business owners will get advice from those who know this success best - professionals whose work online increases the success of the bottom line for their clients." The panelists and topics highlighted include: Karin Caro, Chief Executive Officer of BluChip Marketing - "Grow Your Business using LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook"; Ellen DePasquale, Regional Development Director, Constant Contact - "Leverage The Power of E-Mail Marketing"; and Eric Mohr, principal, EBM Direct Marketing - "Google Adwords"; and Andrew Ruditser, President, Maxburst - "SEO- Optimizing Your Business Website." Admission is $25 per person, made payable to the Old Westbury College Foundation, Inc. For information, call (516) 876-3292 or email to delenern@oldwestbury.edu. Payment can also be made via Paypal using donate@oldwestbury.edu. The SUNY College of Old Westbury Campus Center, Duane L. Jones Recital Hall is located on Route 107, 1.5 miles north of the Long Island Expressway.

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