
Time to Start Planning

Written by investments  |  05. October 2004

BY JASON M. MORLEY Now is the time of year you need to start planning. I am not talking about Holiday shopping either. It is time to start planning for taxes and next years' spending and saving. IF you plan now, you can easier manage next year's goals. These should be goals that are written down and checked on a monthly basis. You could tape the to your bathroom mirror and recite them every morning. Do what you need to achieve these goals. More soon and how to set these goals and how to establish achievable goals. ---------- Jason M. Morley, CPA/PFS, CFP is founding principal of Morley Financial Planning, a Fee-Only financial planning and Registered Investment Advisory firm headquartered on Long Island in Suffolk County New York. The firm specializes in providing financial planning and investment advice to people from all walks of life. For more information you can contact Jason at 631-454-9444 or visit his Web site at MorleyFinancial.com

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