Weather Alert  

PATCHY DENSE FOG OVERNIGHT The combination of light winds and residual moisture will allow for patchy fog, some of which could be locally dense. Improvement will be slow from west to east overnight with the passage of a weak cold front. Motorists should use low beam headlights and remain alert for rapidly changing visibilities. Allow extra time to reach your destination.

Where and How to Pumpkin Pick This Fall 2013

It is that perfect time of year where all the farms and stores start putting out their pumpkins for sale. Check out our guide to pumpkin picking on Long Island.

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This time of year is known for everything pumpkin. Pumpkin lattes, coffees, and pastries are all over the place and people can't get enough of them. 

This squash is native to North America and have many different uses. Many people like to make pumpkin pies, pumpkin bread, make jack o'laterns, or even pumpkin chucking. Yes, chucking pumpkins is very popular. 

When picking a pumpkin there are a few things you have to keep in mind when deciding to pick. Here is a little advice to picking the perfect pumpkin.

  • Knock on it: You should hear a hollow sound. That's a good thing.
  • Make sure it can stay balance: Set the pumpkin up and make sure it is level. This ideal for jack o'laterns.
  • The smaller it is, the sweeter it is: The smaller pumpkins are for eating because they are sweeter.
  • Smooth and unbruised: Bruised pumpkins generally will not stay or they are not good enough to cook with.
  • Have as much stem as possible: The longer the stem, the longer the pumpkin will last.
  • Keep the seeds: Bake them up and make some delicious pumpkin seeds.
  • Hold by the bottom: Don't hold by the stem and compromise the steam (see above). 

Now that you know how to pick out a pumpkin, check the pumpkin patches below to get your pumpkins for this fall:

What is your favorite pumpkin product? What do you like to do with your pumpkins every year? Tell us in the comments below!