Seven Reasons Why Flouridated Water is Hazardous

By David C. Kennedy, DDS

  1. Uncontrolled random dosages. It is impossible to consistently supply any medication through the drinking water. People are very unique in their sensitivity to drugs and resent ...

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    By David C. Kennedy, DDS

    1. Uncontrolled random dosages.

      It is impossible to consistently supply any medication through the drinking water. People are very unique in their sensitivity to drugs and resent being medicated without their consent. Adding fluoride to drinking water invariably leads to uncontrolled random dosages. Infants and adults who drink more beverages will be overdosed. There are many well documented scientifically verified negative side-effects from exposure to fluoride.

    2. No margin for safety.

      There is a negative margin of safety between the "therapeutic" dose and onset of adverse health effects. Increased hip fractures are found at levels 1/10th the "recommended" 1 ppm fluoride level.

    3. We are getting too much already!

      Excessive fluoride accumulates in the biosphere and results in ever increasing levels in soil, food and water. Beverages such as grape juice may have 6.8 ppm. This grossly exceeds the level of fluoride that has adverse health effects. Soft drinks and beers manufactured in fluoridated communities will contain fluoride as well.

    4. Fluoride is a human carcinogen.

      Fluoride has repeatedly been shown to be a carcinogen in cell cultures, animals and humans. In 1956 Dr. John Chaffey, a professor of clinical pediatrics at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, noted cortical defects in the bone x-rays of 13.5% of the children living in fluoridated Newburgh, compared to only 7.5% in the neighboring nonfluoridated Kingston. He also noted the lesions were strikingly similar to osteosarcoma. Studies have now confirmed a dramatic increase in osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in young males exposed to fluoride during growth of the bones and a 5% increase in all types of cancers in fluoridated communities.

    5. Fluoridation does not reduce tooth decay.

      Adding fluoride to drinking water has not been shown to be effective in reducing tooth decay. In blinded animal studies there was no correlation to the amount of fluoride and tooth decay. In the human populations fluoridation was not effective in reducing tooth decay. In fact, tooth decay has decreased more in some nonfluoridated communities than in fluoridated ones.

    6. Fluorosis is a disease (health effect) caused by fluoride.

      According to the National Research Council fluorosis affects 8 to 51% and sometimes as many as 80% of the children growing up in areas where drinking water contains one part per million (1 ppm) fluoride. Fluoride also can have a deleterious effect on bone growth and cause premature joint and ligament aging. The visible damage to tooth surfaces results in mottled, brittle teeth that are prone to fracture and may cost many thousands of dollars to cosmetically repair.

    7. Fluoridation is very expensive.

      There are enormous health care costs associated with injury from fluoridation. Adverse health affects include; hip fracture, joint and ligament calcification, bone cancers, other cancers, allergy, accidental poisonings and death. The cost of a hip replacement alone is over $35,000 in California. There is a 25% mortality associated with this adverse health effect of fluoridation.

    Article exerpts courtesy of SaveTeeth.Org


    Articles of interest from Dr Jay Dooreck D.D.S. P.C. (pictured above) in areas of holistic health reprinted with permission from

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