"In the last election, the #1 reason eligible voters didn't vote was because they were 'too busy.'" - U.S. Census Bureau
CEOs around the country have come together to encourage their employees to take an hour on November 4 and go vote. Watch the videos below and learn why "too busy" is no excuse this Tuesday. If you don't see your company on this list, you can send an email to your boss, or if you are a boss, click here (the active link is on The Vote Hour website - http://www.votehour.org/) to join.
Find Your Polling Place - Learn where to cast your vote on election day (the active link is on The Vote Hour website - http://www.votehour.org/).
The Vote Hour sprung (as many things do at Google) from some very interesting research. After reading a report from the U.S. Census Bureau, a Googler noticed that in the 2004 Presidential election, the NUMBER ONE reason that registered voters didn't make it out to the polls to vote was because they were "too busy" or had conflicting work schedules.
So this person asked himself, 'What if bosses around the country encouraged their employees to take an hour off to go vote? Would employees feel relaxed enough, even in this down economy, to leave work behind and go vote?'
It seemed logical that if nothing else, getting "permission" from your boss to take an hour off would take one more excuse off the table. So this Googler sent an email to Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google Inc., who volunteered to record a message of support and encouraged some fellow CEOs to join him... and The Vote Hour was born.
It's our hope that the participation of these business leaders, and their encouragement and friendly pressure, will help improve voter turnout on election day. If you'd like to participate as a business leader, please click here (the active link is on The Vote Hour website - http://www.votehour.org/) to join. If you're an employee and would like to encourage your boss to join, click here (the active link is on The Vote Hour website - http://www.votehour.org/) to send a message of encouragement.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI0ml90rIlMNational League Of Families Of POWs & MIAs Need Your Help
National League Of Families Of American Prisoners And Missing In Southeast Asia
1005 North Glebe Road, Suite 170, Arlington, Virginia 22201
PH (703) 465-7432 http://www.powmialeague.org/ FAX (703) 465-7433
The National League of POW/MIA Families, a small non-profit organization (which spends less than 10% on administrative and fundraising expenses and is a 501[c]3 nonprofit tax-exempt (FEIN #23-7071242) organization) may soon be forced to close its doors. Though recognized by the U.S. Congress and successive Presidents as having originated the POW/MIA flag, the League receives no royalties from their distribution. Sustaining an office (rent, storage, insurance, salaries, phones, postage, printing, Internet, etc.) in the Washington, DC, area takes about $12,000 per month; an amount that does not include funding of any activities such as public awareness brochures, delegations to Southeast Asia, or sending speakers around the country. These simple facts prompted us to make a heart-wrenching decision. If we are unable to bring in sufficient funds by the end of this year " December 31, 2008 " to sustain our national office for at least six months ($72,000-plus), the League will be dissolved. That is why we are turning to the public to appeal for donations. Unless enough step forward, the League will not be able to continue. We're not giving up without a fight, but we can't do it alone, and we're appealing for your help. There is no more time to wait.
--- Regards, Walt Schmidt