The latest figures from LIPA say that 553,926 customers are still without power. Initially, LIPA predicted that it would take from 10 days to a full two weeks to repair the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy, but now says it could take even longer.

Gov. Cuomo, who has already had harsh words for LIPA, saying the company’s response to Tropical Storm Irene, which took up to ten days for some customers to regain power, was “inadequate,” wrote a letter to the state authority threatening to make changes to the “management responsible for such colossal misjudgments.” The governor also threatened to revoke the certificates of the private utilities like ConEdison.
Since receiving the governor’s letter, LIPA reported that power more than 80 homes had been restored overnight. Linemen from out of the area, as well as tree service companies, have been called in by LIPA to increase the recovery crews.
Town officials are also dissatisfied with the time it’s taking LIPA crews to restore power. Huntington Town Supervisor Frank Petrone reported to Newsday that the town was delayed three days because it did not know whether the wires entangled in the 750 downed trees were active.
There are approximately 100,000 structures on the South Shore that require such extensive repairs by private contractors that restoration will be especially delayed.
LIPA has more than just the governor’s threat to be concerned with. Before receiving any reimbursements through FEMA, the federal agency will be conducting a full inspection of the utility’s system.
Check out our Post-Hurricane Guide for useful resources.
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