After you have created your three story basics: setting, characters, and action. Now you are ready to create conflict.
To make it an interesting story, you're going to need a fourth element: conflict. Without conflict, you cannot hold your reader's interest. What sort of conflict you include will depend on what sort of story you want to write. Is it a mystery? Then the conflict might involve "good guys" and "bad guys," people keeping secrets, and plot twists and turns. Is it a story about a relationship between friends? Then the conflict might involve a problem the two friends must resolve. Is it a story about a single person? Then the conflict might revolve around a personal matter the character has to work out.
Think about your life and isues that you have to resolve and come to terms with, this is always a great place to start.
Look for WHAT DO I WRTITE ABOUT (3) coming soon.
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