Long Islanders may have noticed much shorter waiting times at local gas stations, but local officials say on average the wait can still last up to an hour and a half.

"We have a problem now because there is panic and people are now hoarding gasoline," Cuomo said.
The panic escalated on Saturday when an expected fuel delivery truck which was scheduled to distribute free gasoline to motorists in Freeport never arrived. The Department of Defense will be distributing 250,000 gallons of gasoline in New York and New Jersey through the end of this week.
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is currently investigating more than 500 cases of price gouging following Hurricane Sandy. Many reports of gas station operators artificially raising the price of gasoline, as well as basic items like groceries and batteries have already been received, and New Yorkers are asked to continue to report these abuses by calling 800-771-7755, or at the Attorney General’s website, www.ag.ny.gov.
The Attorney General’s office is also advising New Yorkers to be cautious of price gouging when it comes to home repairs following Hurricane Sandy.
LongIslandGasPrices.com offers a map of open gas stations in Nassau and Suffolk County, as well as what stations are selling gas at the lowest prices.
Check our Post-Hurricane Guide for useful resources to help you recover from Sandy.
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