Hurricane Sandy's Devastation Shows The Kind Hearts of Volunteers
Hurricane Sandy — a storm that left more than 2 million people without power, with winds up to 60 mph and a fury many east-coasters have never seen. The storm was said to be record breaking because of its 13.2-foot storm surge. The hurricane destroyed homes, businesses, and lives. People lined up at the gas pumps exhibit chaotic behavior and the lines promise hours of anxiously waiting for a turn at the pump. Many have no heat and a decimating food supply, but from this great devastation our community can see the good coming from the generosity of people. In a time of need, the kind-hearted restore a balance to our lives. People are coming together and thinking of ways to help those in need.
Corporations, businesses, and individuals have been digging in their pockets to help the hurricane relief take motion and move our community out of destruction. Some of the silver lining to this horrible and unforeseeable disaster includes:
- Hasbro, awarded a $100,000 grant to the American Red Cross, Feeding America, and World Vision. Hasbro also donated an estimated 10,000 games to children and families impacted by Hurricane Sandy.
- Among many other big business donations, Capital One awarded about one million dollars in grants to the East Coast to help support the organizations providing relief for victims of the hurricane. Capital One proposes they will match customer donations as well.
- Celebrities have also pitched in to support the cause. Simon Cowell, now a judge on The X-Factor, donated $25,000 .While Ben Stiller volunteered and served food to those in need at a shelter in Brooklyn.
- In Lindenhurst, there will be a hurricane relief concert set to take place on November 11th from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. to raise money for hurricane relief. The concert will be at 149 N. Wellwood Ave. in Lindenhurst. At the concert, there will be a raffle and snacks for sale as well. Although Lindenhurst was one of the areas impacted by the storm’s wrath, the community has come together to help one another. Babylon’s Citizens Council proposed the concert. Singers such as: Steve Robinson, Maria Fairchild, Cathy Kreger, Wavelength, Sid Cherry, Kendall and Korb, Ira Perlman, Bob Blatchley, Josh Joffen, and Cecilia Kirtland will put on the concert.
These examples of volunteerism and donations show us that the disaster was not swept under the rug, and people are here to help. With time, these volunteer efforts can help restore Long Island to all it was before the storm hit. If you would like to make a difference in the lives of those affected you can donate here to help Long Island’s American Red Cross.