Veterans Day Weekend 2013: Showing Your Respect

In honor of those who served, Monday is dedicated to all those who risked their lives for our country. Be sure to check out the many activities and events going on this week!

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This official federal holiday, Veterans Day, is to show out respect to those who served in our armed forces. This is not to be confused with Memorial Day which honors those who died while serving.

Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11th in honor of World War I ending on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. Originally, the day was called Armistice Day in honor of those who served in WWI, but by the 1950s, the honor was expanded to anyone who served in any war and the name was changed to Veterans Day.

Long Island and the rest of the country will be celebrating these brave people everyday, so be sure to show your respect at least one of the following events:





Know any other great events going on this Veterans Day? Be sure to check out our events section and email us so we can add your event to this article!