Honoring Our Uniformed Services: All 15!


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United States Code Title 10 defines seven uniformed services, including the five armed forces. Add to that the seven reserve components of the armed forces and taking our state defense forces (also known as State Guards, State Military Reserves, or State Militias) as one unit (although every state has laws authorizing state defense forces, and over twenty-five states do) that gives us our total of fifteen. What follows is a roadmap from which you can learn more about each service. The United States Uniformed Services - Air Force - http://www.af.mil/ - Air Force Reserve - http://www.afrc.af.mil/ - Air National Guard - http://www.goang.com/ - Army - http://www.army.mil/ - Army National Guard - https://arng.ng.mil/ - Army Reserve - http://www.armyreserve.army.mil/ - Coast Guard - http://www.uscg.mil/ - Coast Guard Reserve - http://www.uscg.mil/hq/reserve/reshmpg.html - Marine Corps - http://www.usmc.mil/ - Marine Corps Reserves - http://www.marforres.usmc.mil/ - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - http://www.noaa.gov/ - Navy - http://www.navy.mil/ - Navy Reserve - http://navyreserve.navy.mil/ - Public Health Service - http://www.usphs.gov/ - State Defense Forces - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Defense_Forces --- Regards, Walt Schmidt