What does Thanksgiving mean to you? For many of us, it's the family gathering, the turkey and all its trimmings, the Macy's parade, the football games, the chance to help out in a soup kitchen or donate some canned foods to those less fortunate, and a day to give thanks. Yes, November welcomes a season of reflection: a time to discern what and who is important to you, and a time to be grateful for what you already have.
A good marketer possesses this "attitude of gratitude" all year long. The general rule of thumb is that 80% of your business comes from 20% of your clients. Translation: you must take care of your present client base so that they feel appreciated and remain loyal. There is no better way to express your gratitude than with a handwritten thank you note.
In this age of "hi-tech," we have become less and less "hi-touch." We are a society of instant gratification. We want it when we want it. Patience is becoming a lost art. Why with e-mail, speed dial, faxes, and cell phones, it's no wonder that we are turning our wheels faster and faster. But let's try not to get lost in the process.
This Thanksgiving, remember who butters your bread. A way to differentiate yourself in this marketplace is to show appreciation the old-fashioned way. Write a note. The gesture will not be forgotten, and neither will you. Best of all, your business will be thankful for it. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.
If you would like to learn about some creative marketing techniques, look for my class in "How to Market and Promote Your Business" at Hofstra's School of Continuing Education (www.hofstra.edu/continuinglearner). I will run it again in February. Also check out my book review at www.liwomen.com.
(c) Debra Scala 2000