
Service Connected Benefits: And Not Just Money

Written by veterans  |  17. November 2006

Veterans collecting Service Connected Benefits receive monthly stipends -- this most veterans know. What they do not necessarily know is as their service connection percentage increases, so does the number and type of related federal (and even state) benefits to which they are entitled. To mention just a few... But First, Show Me the Money! Here are the monthly payments solely based on the aggregate service connection percentage awarded an individual. 10% - $112; 20% - $218; 30% - $337; 40% - $485; 50% - $690; 60% - $873; 70% - $1,099; 80% - $1,277; 90% - $1,436, and; 100% - $2,393 As to the related benefits... 0% To 20% - Certificate of Eligibility for home loan guaranty. - Home loan guaranty fee exemption. - VA Medical Treatment as Priority Group 3 through 7. - Vocational Rehabilitation and Counseling under title 38 USC Chapter 31 (must be at least 10%). - Service Disabled Veterans Insurance (Maximum of $10,000 coverage), must file within 2 years from date of new service connection. - 10 point Civil Service preference (10 points added to Civil Service test score). - Clothing allowance for veterans who use or wear a prosthetic or orthopedic appliance (artificial limb, braces, wheelchair) or use prescribed medications for skin condition which tend to wear, tear, or soil clothing. - Temporary total evaluation (100%) based on hospitalization for a service connected disability in excess of 21 days; or surgical treatment service connected disability necessitating at least 1 month of convalescence or immobilization by cast, without surgery of one or more major joints. 30% - In Addition To The Above - Additional allowance for dependent (spouse, children, step children, helpless children, full-time students between the ages of 18 and 23, and parents). - Additional allowance for a spouse who is a patient in a nursing home or helpless or blind or so nearly helpless or blind as to require the regular aid and attendance of another person. - VA Medical Treatment as Priority Group 2. - Non-Competitive Federal Employment 40% - In Addition To The Above - Automobile grant and/or special adaptive equipment for an automobile provided: there is loss or permanent loss of use of one or both feet; loss or permanent loss of one or both hands, or; permanent impaired vision of both eyes with central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in better eye. - Special adaptive equipment may also be applied for if there is anklyosis of one or both knees or one or both hips. 50% - In Addition To The Above - VA Medical outpatient treatment for any condition except dental. - Preventive health care services. - VA Medical Treatment as Priority Group 1. - Hospital care and medical services in non-VA facilities under an authorized fee basis agreement. 60% to 90% - In Addition To The Above - Increased compensation (100%) based on individual unemployability (applies to veterans who are unable to obtain or maintain substantial or gainful employment due to service connected disability). 100% - In Addition To The Above - Dental treatment - Waiver of National Service Life Insurance premiums. - National Service Life Insurance total disability income provisions. - Veterans employment preference to spouse. - Specially Adapted Housing for veterans who have: loss of, or loss of use of, both lower extremities, or; blindness in both eyes, having light perception only, plus loss of, or loss of use of, one lower extremity, or; the loss of, or loss of use of, one lower extremity and one upper extremity, or; the loss of,. or loss of use of, one extremity together with an organic disease which affects the functions of balance and propulsion as to preclude locomotion without the aid of braces, crutches, canes, or wheelchair. - Special Home Adaptation Grant (for veterans who don't qualify for Specially Adapted Housing) may be applied for if the veteran is permanently and totally disabled due to: blindness in both eyes with visual acuity of 5/200 or less, or; loss of or loss of use of both hands. - Department of Defense Commissary privileges. 100% (Permanent and Total) - In Addition To The Above - Civilian Health and medical Program for dependents and survivors (CHAMPVA). - Survivors and dependents education assistance under Title 38 USC Chapter 35. Federal Benefit Uniformed Service Retirees who have 20 or more years of service and have deemed to have combat related disabilities may be eligible for Combat Related Special Compensation (CRCS). Combat related disabilities would include a VA or Military Department disability rating of at least 10% if retiree has been awarded a Purple Heart or a current disability rating of at least 60%. The disabilities must be determined to be combat related. This is a Department of Defense benefit, not a VA benefit and applications must be sent to the respective Military Department from which the member retired New York State Benefits - Auto registration, Thruway permits furnished free to qualified, seriously disabled veterans who receive a VA adaptive vehicle grant. - A New York State Blind Annuity is available to visually impaired wartime veterans and certain un-remarried spouses. - Payments authorized by counties for indigent New York veterans and certain family members; purchase of headstone also authorized. - A supplemental burial allowance of up to $6,000 is authorized for certain military personnel killed in combat or while on active duty in hostile or imminent danger locations on or after September 29, 2003. - Qualified handicapped disabled veterans eligible for appointment to non-competitive State employment positions under Sections 55-b and 55-c of the New York State Civil Service Law. - Ten-point additional credit preference toward original appointment for disabled wartime veterans; five-points for wartime service; and two and a half points for competitive promotional exams. - Veterans Tuition Award: Provides up to $1,000 per semester for full-time study or $500 per semester for part-time study to eligible New York State residents; Awards for Children of Veterans Provides to eligible children of deceased veterans or those service connected disabled of 40-percent or greater a non-competitive award of $450 a year. - Military Service Recognition Scholarship: Available to certain dependents of military personnel killed, severely and permanently disabled or missing in combat or a combat zone of operation since August 2, 1990. - As guaranteed by the New York State Veterans Bill of Rights for Employments Services, veterans are entitled to priority service at all New York State Department of Labor offices in referrals to jobs, as well as for employment counseling, vocational testing and other services. Veterans receive special priority for all services and training funded by the Job Training Partnership Act. - State Veterans Home: A 242 bed veterans home is operated by the State Department of Health at Oxford, Chenango County, for veterans, spouses and certain parents. The Department of Health also operates a 250-bed facility at St. Albans, Queens, a 126-bed facility adjacent to the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Batavia, Genesee County and a 250-bed facility in Montrose, Westchester County. A 350-bed Veterans Home is located on the campus of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, and is operated by the university's Health Sciences Center. Health related care and skilled nursing services are available at all facilities. Admission preference is based on severity of illness or disability and need for care. - Veterans with a 40-percent or greater disability rating are eligible for low-cost hunting and fishing licenses, and free use of state parks, historic sites and recreation sites. - Partial exemption from real property taxes is based on condition of service, with additional benefits based upon degree of service-connected disability. Applications must be filed before Taxable Status Day. Qualifying widow(er)s may file for benefit based on their spouse's service. Exemption applies to local and county property taxes. - The Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities offers qualified disabled veterans vocational evaluation, consultation and training. - Seriously disabled veterans who are eligible to receive federal funds to adapt their homes are exempt from local property taxes, including school taxes and special charges. --- Regards, Walt Schmidt

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