The Nassau County Legislature approved County Executive Ed Mangano’s $2.8 billion 2013 budget. This budget will encourage economic growth “while protecting families and seniors by holding the line on property taxes and restricting spending,” Mangano said in a statement following the budget’s passage on a 10-9 party-line vote.
Property taxes will remain at their current rates, and overall spending will increase by about $44 million compared to 2012.

The management of youth services has been a focus of Nassau County, and according to Legis. Judy Jacobs (D-Wodbury), there is “a new matrix” that will result in the money being “distributed differently than in the past.”
Nassau County Commissioner of Human Services, Lisa Murphy, said in a statement that the county is looking into a public-private partnership with the Hagedorn Foundation, whose mission is “to support and promote social equity on Long Island.”
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