Long Island was shown amazing amounts of support after Hurricane Sandy left many families without homes. Weeks after the devastation, Long Islanders are still in need of assistance. A national disaster recovery campaign has been launched by The Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund (CVB Memorial Fund) and PRcision LLC. The Sandy Sunday Initiative falls between Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.
The money raised will go towards the rebuilding process until it is finished. The campaign will be held every Sunday up until December 23rd. Consumers spent $52.4 billion last year the weekend after Thanksgiving. If people can spend money on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, there shouldn’t be any problems taking some of it to support this cause. It does not have to be a large amount, any little bit helps. As some go back to their everyday life, others are still struggling. Clothes and supplies have been donated but they must keep coming because these items only last so long.
The Holiday season is upon us and we must not forget what it is all about - giving. As you shop for gifts, think of those who have no home to celebrate in this year and lend a helping hand. The Sandy Sunday Campaign is still seeking partners to participate. They are not only asking for local help, but national as well. They will be receiving help from restaurant and business owners and individuals to try and make a difference.
Individuals can contribute on a one-time basis or by donating a portion of their receipts for one or all five of the Sundays. You can register online if you would like to be involved in any of the Sundays and all participants will be featured on the website as supporters. Those who are interested can also visit their Facebook page for information on the campaign. You can also get involved by finding ways to help Sandy victims by supporting charities and not for profit organizations.
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