*It's actually more difficult!
Rocket Science. More appropriately, aerospace engineering. The time-honored term used to describe a task or idea as being easy as compared to rocket science, which is perceived as a very difficult field. Usually used as a statement such as "It's not rocket science!"
So, why even attempt to make a connection between, say, the science of putting a man on the moon and the college application and admissions process?
Let's put it this way. The former deals with the design, construction, and application of the science behind the forces and physical properties of aircraft, rockets, flying craft, and spacecraft. The latter? Well, simply put, getting into the college of your choice.
Rocket science is thought of as complex, beyond the ken of even extraordinary men, let alone ordinary high school students. So how hard could it possibly be to put pen to paper -- or mouse-click to Common App -- and successfully navigate the road to college?
Think about it. Rocket science is precise. It can be reduced to a series of mathematical equations, material sciences and the formulae of physics and engineering. Rocket science is absolute. It is either right or it is wrong. It works, or it fails miserably.
Not so with the complexities -- and absurdities -- of college applications, let alone the mysteries of college admissions, where the perplex, real, perceived and artificially created to drive you bonkers, is enough to spin a rocket scientist's head.
Where to apply? How to apply? Which application? What supplement? SATs. ACTs. GPAs. Early Action? Early Decision? Priority Deadlines? Did somebody say college essay? Scholarships? Grants? FAFSA? CSS Profile? Where to begin? When will it all end? Does it get any more confusing than this?
Bring on the rocket science, but pleasssssssse, don't make us go through what has become the utter confusion, total frustration and, did we mention, unbelievable stress, of the college application and admissions process!
Too much information on the one hand, not enough (or worse yet, misinformation) on the other. The twists. The turns. The roadblocks. The dead ends.
Like rocket science, you've got one shot at hitting your target; at getting there and getting in. Fall short, in any aspect of this long, drawn out, tedious, brain cell consuming process and, well, put it this way, being lost in space is no way to conquer the final frontier.
Face it. Whether setting sights toward the outer reaches of the solar system or applying to college, failure is not an option!
You may attempt a model rocket flight on your own, setting the trajectory, controlling the ascent, and hoping that the parachute opens for a gentle and safe return to earth. Do not, however, attempt to go it alone when applying to college!
While there are no guarantees, either in space travel or college admissions, an independent college consultant, your personal guide through the collegiate universe -- has the expertise, the experience, the know-how, and, yes, the right stuff to help guide you through the intricacies of the black hole that calls itself the college application and admissions process, and to safely land you at the threshold of that thrill of a lifetime -- acceptance to the college of your choice.
Okay. What are you waiting for? The final countdown to college has begun. Ignition sequence start. Prepare for liftoff...
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Visit College Connection on the web at www.CollegeConnect.info. Speak with a College Connection counselor at 516-345-8766.