What you read CAN hurt you


Okay, you're in Joe's Book Emporium looking for a book on dog training or dog behavior. There are dozens of them and you don't know where to begin. You ask an employee who poinds out ...

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Okay, you're in Joe's Book Emporium looking for a book on dog training or dog behavior. There are dozens of them and you don't know where to begin. You ask an employee who poinds out the most popular sellers. Does that make the book accurate, informative, and "good"? Heck, no! It just means the author's publicist is very well paid. My literary agent told me that the "great American novel" is probably sitting in a drawer somewhere because the publishing industry is SO political. Being a Long Island sophisticate, reader, you already know ALL about politics.

Because someone has a book published DOES NOT MEAN THE INFORMATION IS ACCURATE! Do NOT be fooled, even if the author has 120 books published! First, you cannot (repeat: CANNOT) correct serious problem behaviors in your dog by reading a book. Second, state-of-the-art obedience training CANNOT be found in any book, anywhere, at the present time. As an author for Harcourt Brace Learning Direct, I was asked to write a study guide based upon a best-selling book. As Al Pacino might say, "hooo haa"! Forget it! The book was WRONG and it was AWFUL, to boot! If you want real information, and REAL help, find a certified (CERTIFIED) Applied Animal Behaviorist. If you want GOOD obedience training, find a CLICKER TRAINER. There are several very good ones on Long Island. Walk away from Joe's Book Emporium with a good novel and leave the dog training to the REAL professionals!