"Suffolk County Youth Bureau Opens Opportunities for Underserved Youth with $25,000 Team Sports Grants – Apply by December 11, 2023!
Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone announced today the Suffolk County Youth Bureau is now accepting applications from nonprofit, community-based organizations to fund programs that provide Youth Team Sports (YTS) in Suffolk County. YTS is a new funding stream created in the New York State Fiscal Year 2024 budget that appropriated funds to support team sports for underserved youth.
“In Suffolk County, we are committed to providing quality programming that ensures equal opportunities and full participation for all students,” said Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone. “This new grant funding helps to ensure that vital programs that provide our youth with opportunities to further develop life-skills through collaboration and teamwork continue in our communities."
Applications for the Suffolk County Team Sports Grant program may not exceed $25,000 and must be received by December 11, 2023. Funding will be provided by the Suffolk County Youth Bureau via the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS).
A new fund was created under the OCFS in the state fiscal year 2023-2024 budget to provide awards to support youth team sports programs for underserved youth under age 18. The funding supports youth development through team sports programs. The funding, which will be allocated to the municipal youth bureaus, must be awarded to local community-based organizations and nonprofits.
The Suffolk County Youth Bureau will review and evaluate each proposal for cost-effectiveness, impact, and measurable outcomes. Funding decisions and awards will be based on guidelines established by New York State.
The bureau will also look to ensure each project serves a cross-section of youth from different age groups, including but not limited to, youth that are differently abled, youth from historically under-resourced communities or geographic areas in Suffolk County.
Youth Team Sports funding awards will be guided by the following principles:
• Educational Connection and Achievement
• Physical Health
• Mental Health and Well-Being
• Community Cohesion
Organizations are encouraged to review the FAQs available on the Suffolk County Youth Bureau web page. In addition, applicants are also encouraged to register and attend a Q and A session scheduled for December 7, 2023 at: https://events.gcc.teams.
For more information on the Suffolk County Team Sports Grant program, contact the Suffolk County Youth Bureau at SCOfficeofYouthServices@