Here we are, Thanksgiving has passed and you pigged. Now what?
Don't sweat it, that's what.
One thing we all have a habit of doing is putting undue pressure on ourselves to diet going into the holiday season. Do you really want to be miserable during the holidays? Try to diet!! While everyone around you is partying your brain is having a fit because you are dealing with guilt and missing the point of the party, to enjoy yourself.
Remember I don't believe in the word diet, I beleive in making choices; simple, guilt-free choices. we go.
You are at the party, if you drink alcohol, space your drinks with water (not club soda). One drink, one large glass of water, it will keep you hydrated, sober, hangover free and you are still partying.
At the buffet table, lots of veggies, stuff that crunches and takes work to eat. Do not deny yourself the good stuff, just don't pig out on it. Make your choices count, one stuffed tater skin can be an amazing experience, but three can drive you to hurl! Use the same general rule when eating, space your rich food with veggies.
When you make it through the holidays without gaining major weight, you have achieved a major goal, especially if you still enjoyed the parties.
A word on supplements:
There are many supplements on the market that are very good, and actually work to help with weight loss when they are used properly and safely. Always read the labels carefully, and when in doubt consult your physician. Just remember, they all require you to have two things: The desire to lose the fat and the willingness to help the supplement by making the right choices.
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy holiday season!!!!