Holiday Party & Pet Food Drive!!
****For Immediate Release****
WHO: Long Island Pet Professionals
WHAT: NEW! 2nd Annual Holiday Networking Event & Pet Food Drive!
WHERE: Lily Flannigan's
345 Deer Park Avenue
Babylon, NY 11702
WHEN: Monday, December 19, 2011 7:00pm
A Networking Holiday Celebration and Pet Food Collection!
Long Island, NY - December 1, 2011 - Long Island Pet Professionals is happy to announce their 2nd Annual Holiday Party & Pet Food Drive taking place on Monday, December 19, 2011 at 7:00pm at Lily Flannigan's, 345 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon, NY 11702 (in a private room). Pet Professionals from across Long Island and NYC are expected to come - members, non-members and those interested in getting into the pet industry are welcomed to join us for this festive and fun networking event. Founder Nancy E. Hassel said, "I am delighted to have partnered with Island Harvest this year to collect Pet Food Items at this event for their Pet Food Pantry. We want to help pet owners who may have fallen on hard times keep their pets and Island Harvest helps our Long Islander's do that with their pet food pantry." Guests are asked to bring at least one healthy and nutritious non-perishable pet food item to donate. "Last year we collected 300lbs of pet food, I was blown away - I am hoping to match that or double it at our Holiday Party!"
This event will include appetizers, a light buffet dinner and unlimited Beer, Wine & Soda, free raffles, goodie bags and more. To RSVP for this event, and get the early bird special discount (until December 10) go to or by emailing The early bird special is $45 per person for LIPP Members and $60 per person for Non-members.
Limit of 60 people for this event, so an RSVP is required. For more information, press inquires, how to become a member of Long Island Pet Professionals, email Nancy E. Hassel at or call (631) 974-0093 or go to and click on "events."