
Deck the halls......or not

Written by lisingles  |  03. December 2003

So its that time of year again. The holidays are in full swing by this point and needless to say for some, its oh so exciting. And for others, like me, its not as exciting. See the funny thing about holidays i'm now starting to realize is, the older you get - they seem to mean less. And i mean that in the nicest way possible. Like for me, this year Christmas eve and Christmas will be spent working a 12 hour shift to then come home and see my family for a bit. Thankfully i'm off New Years Eve, but i'm working the first 6 hours of New Years Day, that being 7am-1pm. Now i did that so I could have off some time for after one of our Company Holiday parties, but i think its worth it. See last year, i thought Christmas was the best EVER. Mostly because this time last year I started a relationship with someone. My best friend. And now he's found someone new. So i've lost my best friend, and I don't want to celebrate. Does that make me selfish? Maybe. I mean, I LOVE my family, but as I get older I want to build that with someone else. Now i'm only 24 (just recently) and I always get the "You're so young" speech. Oh and my favorite "Don't you want to live your life before you give it up?" To me being with someone, and starting a family and having my own Holidays at my own house seems like one hell of a way to live life. Call me old fashioned, call me crazy, or don't call me anything, i'm in that stage of life where I want to settle down. Now for those of you who've seen past articles, you know full well that i've lived my share of life. I guess i'm just at that point where I've realized partying isn't what it used to be. I go out now and find myself wanting to be home with a good book, or movie, under the covers in sweat pants relaxing and going to bed by 11pm. And then i'm up by 8am on days off (for no reason) and I find myself doing things like cooking, cleaning...i mean, what's the matter with me? I should be out doing things and being young and carefree. But i just don't have the desire to go out. But the problem is, you can't meet anyone doing that. So I force myself to go out and subject myself to the horrible lines, the constant games and the loud horrible music. Only to find I would have rather been home the whole time. Now i've met a few guys and one recently but its just so sad because i have no interest past one or two dates. And my friends all say "You've got time, relax and see where it goes" yet i'm in some mind set that I don't have time to waste. Maybe its just because i'm stuck and can't seem to move forward. So now, because of my apathy and my blahness (yes, thats a word in my vocabulary) my girlfriends and I have devised a plan. Speed Dating. "What in the hell?" you may ask...but its quite simple. If you can find out all the pertinent information you want to know from a person in 2 minutes, why not? I think its a brilliant idea. I mean online websites seemed like a good idea, but its so impersonal. Not like speed dating isn't impersonal but atleast you meet face to face. You can see if the chemistry exists right from the get go. Which, ofcourse, is the most important thing. Because if it ain't there, it ain't there. So I hope everyone has a great Holiday season, because for as jaded as I am this christmas I still want Santa to bring me something to make happy. Oh and if you want to know about the Long Island Speed Dating there's a link now added below. Don't forget, any questions or gripes or anything EMAIL ME!

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