
Happy Holidays to All! (though it only makes me realize i'm single again!)

Written by lisingles  |  14. December 2000

At last!!! I have had the time to finally get something new on this page. And I appologize to my millions - And millions (thanks Rock) of loving fans. Unfortunately I have been very busy with work, Christmas shopping, Concert going, and apartment shopping. Thats right I got an apartment (finally) and lord knows its time. Now before I go any further let me first give you the results of the 'Poll' I conducted. Not many of you responded, but my friends came through for me! Best Places to Party (Top 5): 1. Sound Factory, NYC 2. Jillians, Farmingdale 3. Cyberia, Farmingdale 4. Bell Blvd. in Queens (apparently its a street with bars everywhere) 5. The Tunnel, NYC Best Attributes, Girl (Top 5): 1. Body 2. Smell 3. Personality 4. Smile 5. Eyes Best Attributes, Male (Top 5): 1. Eyes 2. Smile 3. Personality 4. Build 5. Butt Ok, so now that the world has been clued in on what most people think...on to more important things like...What to do for the Holidays when you're Single! Me...I usually cry - kidding!- but in all honesty, I think the Holidays alone are fun. Think about it. You save money not having to buy someone a present. You don't have to sit through 2 family dinner's, and most of all - you get to hang out with the people who care about you the most. Your Family. Also I would like to take the time to remind everyone that there are people less fotunate than you and to show a little extra care for those who need help. $5 or a couple of can's of food would be greatly appreciated at almost any church or shelter. Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season! Nikkie

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