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PATCHY DENSE FOG AROUND EARLY THIS MORNING Areas of fog around early this morning may occasionally become locally dense, reducing visibilities to 1/4 mile or less at times. Motorists should use low beam headlights and remain alert for rapidly changing visibilities. Allow extra time to reach your destination.

It's National Regifting Day 2013 - The Do's & Don'ts of Repurposing Gifts

There is a lot more to this day than what might be insinuated in the title. National Regifting Day is a movement for recycling unwanted gifts to those who may really want them.

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Everyone wishes to give everyone they love a great gift for the holiday season, but money can be tight this holiday season. has created National Regifting Day, which is today December 19th, in the hopes of encouraging recycling and money saving this holiday season.

When one thinks of regifting, one might think of that same gift that gets passed around the family every year. However, has rules for regifting items:

  • Hand-made, personalized, or monogram items are a big no-no in regifting since they are personalized.
  • The item should be new. says that if you have the dust it off, it is not regiftable.
  • The item should be in working order.
  • You need to really believe that the person you will be giving the gift to would appreciate it. Don't regift for the sake of regifting.
  • If the gift option does not fit any of your family or friends, consider donating them to a charity in need.

Now, when you find what you want to regift there is much to consider. 4 of 10 people who regift give those gifts to coworkers. If you like the idea of recycling, giving an unwanted gift to a coworker who might like it would be a great idea!

Some great regifting items include:

  • Wine
  • New household items
  • Inexpensive jewelry 
  • Neck ties
  • Candy dishes
  • Movies

Do not think of regifting as a way to get rid of unneeded things. You are recycling instead of piling up more things you do not need. You are giving things to those who will use them!

Do you regift? Is there an item in your house that would be perfect for someone else? Tell us in the comments below!