Celebration time C'mon!
Its the one day all year we all wait for. The day where the frustrations and failures of the past year are exonerated, Memories made, and hopes and wishes and resolutions for the New Year ahead are made. And then the countdown begins: 5...4...3...2....
1? Interestingly enough, much as I felt blah about Christmas and the 'Holidaze' as i like to call them, I am SUPER EXCITED about New Years. Grantite its what, 3 days before and I still have no plans - but I have options. Last year I spent New Years with my newfound Love and we celebrated in one of the best ways possible....lots and lots of lovin (if you know what i'm saying). And this year, though we're not together, its kind of good in a way.
Now is my chance to make new resolutions and empowering decisions that can make 2004 better than 2003 ever was. See, i've been pysching myself into this 'Go get em' mentality. And I think its starting to finally kick in. I've been getting out of this funk and thats why I am super excited about New years.
Now my choices include going to an old friends house and partying there, going to my best friends house with my work friends (who are basically my everyday friends), Possibly going out to a bar such as Mulcahey's or going to a party with my he's-not-really-but-basically-my-ex's friends house party. Now here comes the whole "Why would you want to be with your ex" troupe - but we have somehow, through all of the crap this year, maintained our status as being close and Best-friends. So its not awkward or uncomfortable as it once was.
Going to my old friends house would be good, but there are old habbitts in that group - and thats bad. And my best-friends house will most likely be moved to Mulcahey's and honestly - i don't want to go to a bar. So what should i do? You email me and tell me, and i'll report back Thursday afternoon and let you all know how it goes.
Have a Happy and Safe New Year and remember to DESIGNATE A DRIVER! Best of luck in 2004...