Dollicia F. Holloway Memorial Foundation

1000 Front Street, Suite 366
Uniondale, NY 11553
Phone: 516-508-3576
Fax: 866-996-1212
Visit Website

Created in 2011, The Dollicia F. Holloway Memorial Foundation, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit Educational Organization. The mission of The Dollicia F. Holloway Memorial Foundation, Inc is to encourage and enable the youth of our community to DARE(Dream, Achieve, Rise and Explore) to their fullest potential towards becoming responsible and successful leaders within the community. Our goal is to foster a commitment which will promote the development of formulating healthy lifestyle choices, which will assist in the enhancement of their academic skills and by increasing their educational opportunities. The programs that directly address this focus are: Financial Literacy, Youth/Peer Mentoring, Scholarships, Professional Development, Leadership Training and Domestic Violence Advocacy.

Charities / Children's Charities