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The Fresh Air Fund, an independent, not-for-profit agency, provides free, enriching summer experiences and academic programs for children from low-income New York City neighborhoods. During the summer, students attend five Fresh Air camps in Fishkill, NY or visit volunteer host families across the Northeast and Canada, where they learn about new environments and skills that they can bring back to their communities. Since 1877, 1.8 million children have participated in Fresh Air experiences, where each day is an exploration of nature and journey of discovery.
Fresh Air boys and girls visit over 300 rural, suburban and small town communities along the East Coast and Southern Canada, called Friendly Towns, during the summer. During the one or two week visits with volunteer host families, children become immersed in the day-to-day lives of hosts. Life outside the city helps them learn about new environments and experiences they get to bring back to their communities. To learn more about becoming a volunteer host family this summer, visit
Phone: 212-897-8900
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