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Long Island, NY
Phone: 631-447-6287
Long Island Against Trafficking (LIAT) is a 100% volunteer organization that assists victims of human trafficking by providing aftercare support, and to create awareness within the Long Island community about human trafficking and the need for justice. Our goal is to raise funds for victims of human trafficking along with public awareness about its existence on Long Island. Human trafficking is considered modern-day slavery and we, along with partner organizations, work to abolish human trafficking by using our voices to advocate for those who cannot do it for themselves.
We are always looking to get more people involved in our fight, whether that means getting more information, or coming to our bi-weekly meetings and volunteering. If you are interested in joining us, or learning more, please email us at, or follow us on twitter @EndLITraffick, facebook @liagainsttrafficking, and Instagram @endlitraffick.