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2740 Martin Avenue
Bellmore, NY 11710
Phone: 516-826-0244/ 516-679-1111
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Mission: Long Island Crisis Center provides 24/7, free, high quality, confidential and non-judgmental services and programs to support and empower Long Islanders at critical times in their lives.
Long Island Crisis Center (LICC), a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) agency, was established in 1971 and has existed since then as a 24 hours-a-day/7 days-a-week/365 days-a-year suicide prevention and crisis intervention hotline. In its forty-two years, it has grown from one hotline to six. It is staffed round-the-clock by volunteer counselors.
Their nine-month training prepares them to handle calls for help ranging from suicide ideation to substance abuse to homelessness to financial ruin to relational abuse and more. We respond to “Any One, Any Time, Any Problem.”
Annually, we respond to more than 11,000 calls on our phone hotlines, on-line and live chat site, mobile phone texting and walk-in counseling. Translation services are currently available on our phone hotline!
Do you need to talk to someone?
All services are free, confidential and anonymous!